For the last couple of days, I've been working on creating a custom web part to use as a filter. I had no problems getting the web part created, and even reading in values from a Sharepoint list to populate a drop-down menu. What I had trouble with was configuring my web part to act as a connection provider.
All the examples I found via Google were written to create a Provider and Consumer web part and connect them to each other. I couldn't find anything that explained how to create a provider that could be connected to a generic list web part. Finally today, I stumbled on a new approach, and was able to get my connection working with some help from D.
Here's what I ended up with:
(snipped out a bunch of code to get to the good stuff)
//This First bit creates your connection provider and gives it a name
[ConnectionProvider("Department", "Text")]
public ITransformableFilterValues SetConnectionInterface()
return this;
//The following section just lists out the various properties that your connection
//can have. Most of them just return true or false. Most are self-explanatory.
public bool AllowAllValue
get {return true ; }
public bool AllowEmptyValue //This is really useful. It means that you don't have to return a filter value if you don't want to.
get { return true; }
public bool AllowMultipleValues
get {return false; }
//This is the name that appears in the settings window
//when you connect your web part to another web part
//on the page. You can use whatever name you want
public string ParameterName
get { return "Drop-down Menu Filter Value"; }
//This is where we're actually defining what value gets sent
//to the other web part via our connection. In my case, I had
//a dropdown box called departmentPicker. I'm sending the
//text value of the selected item. (Notice that I run a quick check
// and if the value is set to the default "Select..." I just return null.
//I built this from an example that was returning multiple values.
//I'm only returning a single value, but I used their approach of
//returning a list which works fine for single values as well. This
//way if I want to return multiple values in the future, I can reuse
//this code and not have to rewrite anything.
public System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<string> ParameterValues
List<string> department = new List<string>();
if (departmentPicker.SelectedItem.Text == "Select...")//If it is still set to the default, return null
return null;
department.Add(departmentPicker.SelectedItem.Text);//If it is set to any other value, add that value to our list
System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<string> result = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<string>(department);
return result; //return the filter value
All the examples I found via Google were written to create a Provider and Consumer web part and connect them to each other. I couldn't find anything that explained how to create a provider that could be connected to a generic list web part. Finally today, I stumbled on a new approach, and was able to get my connection working with some help from D.
Here's what I ended up with:
(snipped out a bunch of code to get to the good stuff)
//This First bit creates your connection provider and gives it a name
[ConnectionProvider("Department", "Text")]
public ITransformableFilterValues SetConnectionInterface()
return this;
//The following section just lists out the various properties that your connection
//can have. Most of them just return true or false. Most are self-explanatory.
public bool AllowAllValue
get {return true ; }
public bool AllowEmptyValue //This is really useful. It means that you don't have to return a filter value if you don't want to.
get { return true; }
public bool AllowMultipleValues
get {return false; }
//This is the name that appears in the settings window
//when you connect your web part to another web part
//on the page. You can use whatever name you want
public string ParameterName
get { return "Drop-down Menu Filter Value"; }
//This is where we're actually defining what value gets sent
//to the other web part via our connection. In my case, I had
//a dropdown box called departmentPicker. I'm sending the
//text value of the selected item. (Notice that I run a quick check
// and if the value is set to the default "Select..." I just return null.
//I built this from an example that was returning multiple values.
//I'm only returning a single value, but I used their approach of
//returning a list which works fine for single values as well. This
//way if I want to return multiple values in the future, I can reuse
//this code and not have to rewrite anything.
public System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<string> ParameterValues
List<string> department = new List<string>();
if (departmentPicker.SelectedItem.Text == "Select...")//If it is still set to the default, return null
return null;
department.Add(departmentPicker.SelectedItem.Text);//If it is set to any other value, add that value to our list
System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<string> result = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<string>(department);
return result; //return the filter value
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